Update on Fellowship MBCG 2020 Virtual Annual Conference


October 5, 2020
Fellowship Missionary Baptist Convento of Georgia, INc.
2020 Virtual Annual Conference

My Beloved Sisters and Brothers,

I am humbled and grateful to be afforded a grand privilege to extend greetings to each of you!

Truly the Year 2020 marks a critical forecast for the world and people of faith! The COVID-19 pandemic has created a new “norm” in the lives of all people; however, Our God is still in control!

Regrettably, our beloved convention has been able to convene only once this entire year. Not being able to meet and fellowship has produced an emptiness in our convention family.

However, as President of the Fellowhsip Missionary Baptist Convention, I am pleased to announce that our convention will observe the Fourth Annual Conference via a computer-generated connnection. The conference will be streamed live Wednesday and Thursday, November 4-5, 2020. Currently, plans are under way to present to you a virtual conference that will truly fulfill the convention theme: “Fulfilling Needs by Equipping the Saints and Evangelizing the Sinners!”

It is my request that each FMBCG church submit your registration of $100.00 along with the attached form and present both by mail or online before Friday, October 23, 2020. For those of you who choose personal registration, the fee is $35 and should be presented by mail or online as well. All checks should be made payable to FMBCG.

I am also petitioning each pastor to inspire a minimum of ten church members to commit or participate as “Virtual Delegate” during this anointed conference. Additional information will be forthcoming for online access to the Annual 2020 Conference.

Again, allow me to personally thank each of you for your support to FMBCG, and if there are any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me at the church during business hours, 10:00 am – 4:00 pm, Monday through Friday.

Sincerely I am,
The People’s President
Ike E. Mack

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